New landmark in the Ruhr region: since the laying of the foundation stone and around four years of construction, the extension to the Küppersmühle Museum by Herzog & de Meuron has been completed. From 24 September, the house will open its doors to visitors. With the presentation of the works from the Ströher Collection on an additional 2,500 square metres, the MKM will become a central location for German and European post-war art. europäischer Nachkriegskunst. More than 300 works since the 1950s are on display.

Ruhr Kunst Urban

The educational programme RuhrKunstUrban – Museum findet Stadt (RuhrArtUrban – Museum Finds City), funded by Stiftung Mercator, focuses its attention on the urban environment of the students and aims to create a publicly visible project in the respective urban space of the 21 RuhrKunstMuseen.

Current hygiene measures

The general hygiene rules apply

Mandatory masks (FFP2 or OP mask) and distance maintenance of 1.50 m

Admission restrictions (persons per square metre) depending on the current decision situation / please allow for waiting time if necessary.

It is not necessary to book an appointment at the moment.