Christoph M. Gais. Image worlds from 1990 until today

1 September 2023 - 26 November 2023 | Opening 31 August 2023

The Work overview presents with about 80 works from the years since 1990 a painter whose paintings reveal unique power and authenticity. The paintings of Christoph M. Gais are timeless and testify to a high painterly culture. The artist himself speaks of the “ransacked surfaces” of his paintings and understands them as curtains in front of walls, as fantasy triggers and cult objects. He has lived in the countryside in Italy since the early 1990s. In his work, the influences of his surroundings mix with a comprehensive understanding of culture, which also shows itself in a fascination for African lifeworlds. Gais stands up for a universal understanding of culture that offers valid signposts and sources of inspiration, especially in our disoriented times.

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Christoph M. Gais. Image worlds from 1990 until today

Impressions of the opening

Eintritt: 6,00€ p. P. / reduced 3,00€
Organisation: An exhibition of the Foundation for Art and Culture e.V.